Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Exercise 3 – Point vs. Line - 1D vs. 2D – Emotions through abstract

Four 40cm*40cm sheets of 180/240 gr' Bristol paper.

Using an unlimited number of cutout forms of lines and points create two black and white collages conveying two different emotions of your choice.

Create two black and white compositions , conveying two different emotions of your choice, with only 3 points and 3 lines MAXIMUM for both compositions. You may divide the shapes between the formats as you wish. You may use any technique you wish.


  1. Remember what we discussed in the class.
  2. Is it possible to create a mood within such restrictions?
  3. You are handing in four formats. What is the connection between them?
  4. Notice the relationship between your work and the format – use it to your benefit.
  5. Create a number of sketches before actually creating your final pieces – display these trials as part of your presentation.
  6. Examine your creations from various distances – what effect do they achieve at different viewpoints?
  7. This exercise deals with the fundamental elements of all 2D and 3D discussions
  8. Hang you work in class at the beginning of the lesson in a dignified manner that will maximize it's effect. The presentation is also part of the exercise.

Good Luck!!!

Monday, October 30, 2006

Point and Line the fundamentals of design

"Good composition is like a suspension bridge - each line adds strength and takes none away." Robert Henri (1865 - 1929) US painter

Follow a number of links to articles which relate to these foundations of the design language as defined by the masters at the Bauhaus school (specifically Kandinsky and Klee).


Make a point of discovering more resources and publishing them on your Blogs.

Good Luck,

Sunday, October 29, 2006

Mazal Tov Salome!!!

One by one we are going online...

Give a warm hand of applause to Salome who has put her new Blog onlilne over the weekend.

Thursday, October 26, 2006

A few nice links for the weekend

  1. http://www.mooncruise.com/ - Featuring photography and music by international artists.

  2. http://www.fstopmagazine.com/ - F-stop magazine is an online photography magazine for fine art and documentary photography published bi-monthly.
  3. http://www.vam.ac.uk/vastatic/microsites/1384_leonardo/ - This exhibition is about how Leonardo da Vinci thought on paper.

Oy It's so much nicer using Blogger with an Internet connection that works... And now Exercise 2!

תרגיל מס' 2 – קומפוזיציה שחור לבן

מטרת התרגיל:
הסטודנט ילמד מושגי יסוד בקומפוזיציה דו מימדית

ארבעה בריסטולים, 180/240 גר', בגודל 40x40 סמ'. צמד אחד בריסטול לבן, צמד שני בריסטול שחור.

תיאור התרגיל:
על גבי הפורמטים, בעזרת צורות גאומטריות משלושה סוגים:
מרובעים בעלי זויות ישרות (רבועים או מלבנים), עיגולים, משולשים, יש לבצע קומפוזיציות עפ"י הכללים הבאים:
על גבי הבריסטול הלבן יש לעבוד עם צורות שחורות. ועל גבי הבריסטול השחור יש לעבוד עם צורות לבנות.
בכל צמד יש לייצר קומפוזיציה אחת בה יש שימוש בצורה אחת מכל סוג וקומפוזיציה אחת בה אין הגבלה על כמות הצורות המופיעות.

ליישם בהרכבת הקומפוזיציה עקרונות שהוזכרו בדיון האחרון:
דינאמיות / סטטאטיות.
יחס לפורמט.
התחלה - אמצע – סוף.
דגש - מוקד עניין.
עיקר וטפל.
קצב – הרמוניה / דיסהרמוניה
שימו לב להשפעת צבע הפורמט על אופי העבודה.
בדקו האם הקומפוזיציה שלכם מעניינת.
ודאו כי העבודה עשויה כהלכה.

בהצלחה !

Mazal Tov Yana!!!

Yes, Yes, Yana has a blog...

I hope It's not full of nasty things about me : - (
It's all in Russian...

Now all you all need to do is start posting you work on your Blogs and my world will be perfect...

Warmest Regards,Mike


Exercise 1 - Static and Dynamic Compostions

One sheet of sketch paper 100cm*70cm
Two sheets of Bristol paper 30cm*30cm

Using a pencil draw on a sheet of sketch paper, 100cm*70cm in size, a continuous line describing your trip to Israel.

Select one portion of the line that you feel is Static and one portion of the line that you feel is Dynamic.

Frame each section with a 25cm*25cm square drawn with a fine black pen on the sketch paper.
Copy and enlarge these lines on two separate sheets of bristol 40cm*40cm in size using a black medium of your choice (pencils, pens, ink, brushes, etc.)

Notice the relationship between your line and the format.
The creation of a line also defines the space surrounding the line.
Create a number of sketches for the line, test a number of options for each enlargement – display these trials as part of your presentation.
Examine your creation from various distances – what effect does it achieve at different viewpoints?

I wish you a fruitful and fun semester!!!

Monday, October 23, 2006

Monday, October 16, 2006

A moment before we begin...

Next week we finally start studying.
I can't tell you how excited I am.
I hope you are too.

We will be learning in class 201 in the Design school's building on Mondays (0900-1300) and Thursdays (1400-1800).

For our first meeting all you need to bring is a pencil, a black pen, a ruler, and a few 100cm*70cm sheets of paper (the cheapest kind possible).

I just spoke to Sandrine and we both wish to make the following clarification:
You are all required to attend the Foundations of Design course. Those of you who have advanced knowledge will be given assignments suitable for your level.

I'm very disappointed to say that only five students bothered to send over their course choices.
Don't come crying to me when your applications get denied...

I'm also not very pleased with the Blog progress. So far only Benjamin and Maya have opened up Blogs like I requested.

But this will all change soon enough,
trust me...

Israel Art Calendar