Thursday, August 28, 2008

ICA Home | Welcome

Some museums are cooler than others:
ICA Home | Welcome

The museum is incredible but I bring this site to your attention because I like the website - It's airy, has that " je ne sais quoi" coolness factor about it, yet does so without sacrificing simplicity and usability - a rare accomplishment, especially in the realm of artsy websites (sad but true).

Notice how information is presented in a logical and easy to follow manner that is in effect leading you through the site, offering you a "recommended" experience that you can choose to absorb or otherwise figure out what to do next by yourself.

Seems like the people at the online agency know what they are doing...
(- note the funky 3 letter dot com domain!!!)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"The Whole 9" - An online creative community

"The Whole 9" is an online creative community based in Los Angeles that connects creatives for work and play. Although there are a number of sites that offer similar services: Artegory, Noenga, Artwanted and TalentDataBase to name a few, The Whole 9 has a unique advantage in that it actually operates its own gallery situated in the heart of LA's swanky Culver City gallery district.

The Whole 9 site allow creative individuals to upload a profile, build up their portfolio and interact with other like-minded members of The Whole 9 community. This is probably one of the easiset ways to get yourself representation for your creative efforts in LA since the gallery displays rotating exhibitions curated from the works presented on The Whole 9 site.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Soulclap - "Music Design" from Boston

"Musi-Tecture" is the word Soulclap Boston DJs and music designers use to describe their design process that combines the emotional power of music with the aesthetic goals of architecture.

They see themselves as building structures in invisible space.

Music for them is a tool for getting a message across a they spend heir days customizing musical environments and atmospheres for clients that understand that good taste can travel great distances and good design is not just graphic.

Israel Art Calendar