Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How dumb is it not having a google toolbar for Chrome? How are you supposed to access bookmarks? Hack here: http://cli.gs/E7nTWB
For all you architecture fans: Great post about Amazing Abandoned Asian Architecture - http://cli.gs/3z1HW7 on WebUrbanist
Fiddling around with retrievr - image based search for flickr - http://cli.gs/EVvq4d

Saturday, September 27, 2008

OH NO! Jack Black magnetized and erased the Internet! http://bit.ly/3oS6iR - Wanna rebuild? Be kind, rewind... : )
http://bit.ly/12AFwn - DJ set - Marc Romboy / Oliver Koletzki - 24th August 2008 - If you enjoy Techno you are in for a treat...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"...Men tracht und Google lacht..." : )

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Open juried art exhibition planned to open Nov. 20 in Jerusalem is seeking artists now - WANT IN? http://ping.fm/TaRbM
Just bumped into an amazing online collection of Chinese propaganda posters - beautiful and illuminating... http://ping.fm/pOaSC

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Looks like Boaz Zippor's gallery opening in Bangkok went well : ) - http://bit.ly/2zCCMc - If only I had 10% of his talent with a camera...

Monday, September 22, 2008

North Korean Propaganda Posters

North Korean Propaganda Posters
from the California Literary Review

50 Amazing music performance posters

50 Amazing Posters for music performances to help you celebrate the new year.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are at the Jewish Museum in NY Sep 21, 2008 - Jan 4, 2009. Exhibit will show scrolls never displayed publicly before.
Van Gogh colors the night in the 1st ever exhibition of his nocturnal landscapes & interiors at the NY MoMA Sep 21, 2008 - Jan 5, 2009

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sotheby's 2 day auction of new work by Damien Hirst made $200,000,000 - screw Wall Street! Seems like the future of finance is in ART... : )

Monday, September 15, 2008

מנופים, ירושלים, אמנות

אני מייק דרנל.
אני אמן ירושלמי.
אני עוסק במנופים בירושלים כמקור ההשראה שלי מאז 1997.
אני די מזוהה עם העניין ומציג סביבו תערוכות בארץ ובעולם.

חיפוש פשוט בגוגל של
"jerusalem cranes"
מציג את הגלריה שלי המוקדשת לעניין במקום השני בדירוג.

אז כאמור, אני מאוד אוהב את הקונספט, אני פשוט לא כל כך מרוצה מהעניין שגנבו אותו ממני ולא טרחו לתת לי קרדיט...

או שאולי המפיקה ליהיא שולוב לא שמעה על גוגל?
; )

On Wednesday I'm hitting Jerusalem's old city for the "Tachlis" of web2.0 - anyone wanna come? http://tachlis.org

Sunday, September 14, 2008

LA political art awareness is so low that X-TRA's article most closely related 2 the subject is written by an Israeli http://bit.ly/1KYLUH
Participating in a World Usability Day event? How will u get there? Relevant since this year's theme is transportation http://bit.ly/4ckKwD

Saturday, September 13, 2008

comparing ping.fm to hellotxt.com - I wonder how ping.fm shortens URLs? http://ping.fm/aI4ho

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Whose design principles are these?

For today's post I thought I'd introduce you to the following design principles:

1. Focus on people—their lives, their work, their dreams.
2. Every millisecond counts.
3. Simplicity is powerful.
4. Engage beginners and attract experts.
5. Dare to innovate.
6. Design for the world.
7. Plan for today's and tomorrow's business.
8. Delight the eye without distracting the mind.
9. Be worthy of people's trust.
10. Add a human touch.

This list was put together by the design team of a small company some of you may have heard of.

Wanna try and guess who?

(need a hint? - search for the answer...)

Israel Art Calendar