Tuesday, November 25, 2008

Hoping someone will do me a favor and bring ATAKO to Israel to play some http://tr.im/TURKNO for a poor Ottoman orphan

Friday, November 14, 2008

Returning to my humblest origins - http://tr.im/13cd - The wisdom of the Bagel
d.velop digital art award given to Candian Norman White http://tr.im/134c

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Just measured and compared my Carbon Footprint at http://tr.im/11fl - I rank decently... Of course I drive a scooter : ) How about YOU?

Thursday, November 06, 2008

Fiddling with Headup - a cool FF addon that serves contextual information that rocks - http://cli.gs/S74dHv - well worth the download

Saturday, November 01, 2008

Techno Nostalgia - notes from the blog of a 34 year old raver - http://cli.gs/EWAAu3

Friday, October 31, 2008

50 great movie posters from Asia collected by Andrew Lindstrom http://cli.gs/SLyHmE
http://cli.gs/PtsG5b "Cult of the Artist". Jeff Koons on display at the Neue Nationalgalerie in Berlin

Wednesday, October 29, 2008

http://cli.gs/7U7j7J "Human/Nature" - contemporary artists investigate the changing nature of our planet's biosphere

Tuesday, October 28, 2008

As of 2 minutes ago I'm the proud uncle of a bouncing baby girl. WooHoo : )
Next Thursday I'll be at the Rosh Pina festival - http://cli.gs/TeYjrL - anyone else going?

Monday, October 27, 2008

http://cli.gs/vtueUt Popego is very cool - anyone have a clue what it does...? : )

Sunday, October 26, 2008

Homer Every Day http://vimeo.com/776824

Saturday, October 25, 2008

http://cli.gs/zNm25Y A chat with Meir Kordevani of Picnic magazine leads me to ponder on the merit's of publishing print magazines online
http://cli.gs/ZyeY9Q Pricasso rendered George W. taking it like a man from the bull markets (hilarious but parental discretion is advised).

Friday, October 24, 2008

http://cli.gs/nesE9Y - cool flickr related Software from dopiaza.org

Monday, October 20, 2008

Jonathan Lax - Another ex student destined for greatness http://cli.gs/mY7zW0 Good Luck : )
For those of us who still speak English - an English/TXT dictionary - http://cli.gs/1DhguR
Incredible statistic relating to the private art market - http://cli.gs/H8m5XZ - Anyone have a clue as to it's source?

Sunday, October 19, 2008

Noam Abta
(ex aniboom.com) & his posse have put together an online game starring an adorable little Rasta ape http://cli.gs/V4dmEU : )
http://cli.gs/1j2JXR - What's so Jewish about SF's new Jewish Museum - apparently not that much. Cool building though...

Friday, October 17, 2008

http://cli.gs/ge0X9T - the fucking words
http://cli.gs/vsB0Nn fucking genius.
Cobra is 60 years old http://cli.gs/mpG6ZT - happy birthday : )

Thursday, October 16, 2008

I think that Israel's electronic music community is prolific and talented - Argaman is just my latest proof - http://cli.gs/gDyQhg
Digital art pioneer Paul McLean will give an art talk at Timothy Yarger Fine Arts Oct. 18th, 4PM, http://artforhumans.com

Wednesday, October 15, 2008

Online art brokers are another major change in art economics & ArtQuid http://cli.gs/q2Z3p1 is a fine example one.
Lumas galleries are a pioneering attempt to transform the economics of the art world. I admire their philosophy. http://cli.gs/8ED2XA
The Mint Museum in Charlotte, NC will have an exhibition of Israeli contemporary ceramics in February - teaser - http://cli.gs/upp20R

Monday, October 13, 2008

Ten Portraits Reconsidered will be on view at the Contemporary Jewish Museum Oct 12th-Jan 25th http://cli.gs/vyzE1s. Wish I could c it...
http://cli.gs/LLdZsy the narrator of this 1951 Airfrance movie about Israel reminded me of Morgan Freeman
This is a freaky game - it caught me... http://cli.gs/jJ0pLe
Sculptors and puppeteers have always tried to recreate life. Somehow Theo Jansen's efforts stand out above the throng http://cli.gs/ADXDu3

Friday, October 10, 2008

“A Drummer’s Gift” - my secular Jew's post Yom Kippur post http://cli.gs/E73a3j
Grubb & Ellis Realty will host an art exhibition in Marfa, Texas http://cli.gs/9mU4na - Kudos! - I wish more businesses were as committed...
Starting the day with a chuckle and some coffee http://cli.gs/4rLbHW
Angelica, there is still hope http://cli.gs/naBV2L

Thursday, October 09, 2008

Designer? this is one site you do not want to miss: http://cli.gs/nGtpBM

Skout™ • resources + for designers + by designers

Skout™ • resources + for designers + by designers
This is one site you do NOT want to miss
Wonderful art blog here http://cli.gs/vnBtrb

Wednesday, October 08, 2008

Electronic music lovers - Timo Maas set for download http://cli.gs/YLtBAV
Gmail provides a "How wasted are you?" service to prevent you from sending those drunken emails you'll regret later http://cli.gs/hA0Qtn

Monday, October 06, 2008

Into Contemporary Art? The Biennial opens in Seville...
The Art from the Hive is SWEET... http://cli.gs/pd1A95 : )
Good Morning : ) - My day began with the new DESIGN COMMOTION - http://cli.gs/mHnNEM Enjoy...

Saturday, October 04, 2008

Well I finally got some new prints up - I gotta clean table for the new year... http://cli.gs/2arTRn
Andy Warhol will be on display at the Mint Museum of Art beginning this October "Portfolios: Life & Legends"
I have a crush on Ahmadinejad's daughter - My newest political pop art portrait http://cli.gs/M7Wrv5
ArtDaily reports that a portrait of Sarah Palin nude was unveiled in Chicago http://cli.gs/7LrhA0. It's a crappy portrait a but funny story.

Friday, October 03, 2008

http://cli.gs/7ZbtV0 love this photo by Noa Brumberg - my students make me so proud... : ) Awwww....

Thursday, October 02, 2008

Only a Jewish comedian can be this abusive and get away with it http://cli.gs/DXBNBe - Oy it's so great to be one of God's chosen... : )
Contemporary Art from The Israel Museum comes to the The Israeli Center of Digital Art in Holon - through Nov, 30, 2008
Shoot me if this isn't the coolest interface you C today - http://cli.gs/v4BYuV - Stereo-vision CCD from LM3LABS - I suspect telekinesis...
http://cli.gs/Umv0na Digital Art Tokyo looks like a cool event - wish I could go... Japanese but u can translate @ http://cli.gs/TQrpRS

Wednesday, October 01, 2008

Intervention in Furniture - student work

This was done 3 years ago by a student in the Foundations of design course.

Everything you ever wanted to know about the technology behind my art - http://cli.gs/RedX5T

Tuesday, September 30, 2008

How dumb is it not having a google toolbar for Chrome? How are you supposed to access bookmarks? Hack here: http://cli.gs/E7nTWB
For all you architecture fans: Great post about Amazing Abandoned Asian Architecture - http://cli.gs/3z1HW7 on WebUrbanist
Fiddling around with retrievr - image based search for flickr - http://cli.gs/EVvq4d

Saturday, September 27, 2008

OH NO! Jack Black magnetized and erased the Internet! http://bit.ly/3oS6iR - Wanna rebuild? Be kind, rewind... : )
http://bit.ly/12AFwn - DJ set - Marc Romboy / Oliver Koletzki - 24th August 2008 - If you enjoy Techno you are in for a treat...

Thursday, September 25, 2008

"...Men tracht und Google lacht..." : )

Wednesday, September 24, 2008

Open juried art exhibition planned to open Nov. 20 in Jerusalem is seeking artists now - WANT IN? http://ping.fm/TaRbM
Just bumped into an amazing online collection of Chinese propaganda posters - beautiful and illuminating... http://ping.fm/pOaSC

Tuesday, September 23, 2008

Looks like Boaz Zippor's gallery opening in Bangkok went well : ) - http://bit.ly/2zCCMc - If only I had 10% of his talent with a camera...

Monday, September 22, 2008

North Korean Propaganda Posters

North Korean Propaganda Posters
from the California Literary Review

50 Amazing music performance posters

50 Amazing Posters for music performances to help you celebrate the new year.

The Dead Sea Scrolls are at the Jewish Museum in NY Sep 21, 2008 - Jan 4, 2009. Exhibit will show scrolls never displayed publicly before.
Van Gogh colors the night in the 1st ever exhibition of his nocturnal landscapes & interiors at the NY MoMA Sep 21, 2008 - Jan 5, 2009

Wednesday, September 17, 2008

Sotheby's 2 day auction of new work by Damien Hirst made $200,000,000 - screw Wall Street! Seems like the future of finance is in ART... : )

Monday, September 15, 2008

מנופים, ירושלים, אמנות

אני מייק דרנל.
אני אמן ירושלמי.
אני עוסק במנופים בירושלים כמקור ההשראה שלי מאז 1997.
אני די מזוהה עם העניין ומציג סביבו תערוכות בארץ ובעולם.

חיפוש פשוט בגוגל של
"jerusalem cranes"
מציג את הגלריה שלי המוקדשת לעניין במקום השני בדירוג.

אז כאמור, אני מאוד אוהב את הקונספט, אני פשוט לא כל כך מרוצה מהעניין שגנבו אותו ממני ולא טרחו לתת לי קרדיט...

או שאולי המפיקה ליהיא שולוב לא שמעה על גוגל?
; )

On Wednesday I'm hitting Jerusalem's old city for the "Tachlis" of web2.0 - anyone wanna come? http://tachlis.org

Sunday, September 14, 2008

LA political art awareness is so low that X-TRA's article most closely related 2 the subject is written by an Israeli http://bit.ly/1KYLUH
Participating in a World Usability Day event? How will u get there? Relevant since this year's theme is transportation http://bit.ly/4ckKwD

Saturday, September 13, 2008

comparing ping.fm to hellotxt.com - I wonder how ping.fm shortens URLs? http://ping.fm/aI4ho

Sunday, September 07, 2008

Whose design principles are these?

For today's post I thought I'd introduce you to the following design principles:

1. Focus on people—their lives, their work, their dreams.
2. Every millisecond counts.
3. Simplicity is powerful.
4. Engage beginners and attract experts.
5. Dare to innovate.
6. Design for the world.
7. Plan for today's and tomorrow's business.
8. Delight the eye without distracting the mind.
9. Be worthy of people's trust.
10. Add a human touch.

This list was put together by the design team of a small company some of you may have heard of.

Wanna try and guess who?

(need a hint? - search for the answer...)

Thursday, August 28, 2008

ICA Home | Welcome

Some museums are cooler than others:
ICA Home | Welcome

The museum is incredible but I bring this site to your attention because I like the website - It's airy, has that " je ne sais quoi" coolness factor about it, yet does so without sacrificing simplicity and usability - a rare accomplishment, especially in the realm of artsy websites (sad but true).

Notice how information is presented in a logical and easy to follow manner that is in effect leading you through the site, offering you a "recommended" experience that you can choose to absorb or otherwise figure out what to do next by yourself.

Seems like the people at the online agency OHO.com know what they are doing...
(- note the funky 3 letter dot com domain!!!)

Tuesday, August 26, 2008

"The Whole 9" - An online creative community

"The Whole 9" is an online creative community based in Los Angeles that connects creatives for work and play. Although there are a number of sites that offer similar services: Artegory, Noenga, Artwanted and TalentDataBase to name a few, The Whole 9 has a unique advantage in that it actually operates its own gallery situated in the heart of LA's swanky Culver City gallery district.

The Whole 9 site allow creative individuals to upload a profile, build up their portfolio and interact with other like-minded members of The Whole 9 community. This is probably one of the easiset ways to get yourself representation for your creative efforts in LA since the gallery displays rotating exhibitions curated from the works presented on The Whole 9 site.

Thursday, August 21, 2008

Soulclap - "Music Design" from Boston

"Musi-Tecture" is the word Soulclap Boston DJs and music designers use to describe their design process that combines the emotional power of music with the aesthetic goals of architecture.

They see themselves as building structures in invisible space.

Music for them is a tool for getting a message across a they spend heir days customizing musical environments and atmospheres for clients that understand that good taste can travel great distances and good design is not just graphic.

Friday, July 18, 2008


Ever wanted to play God?
Here's an opportunity...


Thursday, July 17, 2008

Non-Format - graphic design

Non-Format is a creative team comprising Kjell Ekhorn from Norway and Jon Forss from Britain.
Their work includes art-direction, design and illustration for the music industry, arts & culture, fashion and advertising clients.

Check them out...

Monday, July 14, 2008

Arthur Ganson makes moving sculpture | Video on TED.com

It's been a while since we had a TED guest here.

I think you'll agree that the moving sculpture of Arthur Ganson is as good as guest as any...

A design competition backed by PALRAM

The Israeli Design Center together with Israeli material manufacturer Palram declared an open design competition for students and designers alike. They are giving out decent prizes...

: )

Crumbs from today's ArtDaily

Images of People in Photographs from the Collection
While the Facebook social networking website has proven to be enormously popular, linking millions of photographs of faces to searchable biographical data, the notion of collecting and cataloguing pictures of people is not a new one. ...More

Alan Aldridge the Man With Kaleidoscope Eyes

Alan Aldridge embodied the spirit of the 60s and 70s. His evocative, psychedelic images epitomised the feeling and art of an era. As The Beatles lead an unstoppable assault on the global charts, it was Aldridge's designs and visual identity that defined The Beatles image and music in a changing world. ...More


Thursday, July 10, 2008

Artdaily.org - The First Art Newspaper on the Net

Artdaily.org - The First Art Newspaper on the Net

...and still one of the best.

Andreas Suprb Pihlström

Some of you asked that I publish links to sites that have what I think are impressive graphics.


This is definitely one of them:
Andreas Suprb Pihlström

Me Company

Since 1985 Me Company has been at the forefront of the commercial design world, fusing their unique artistic vision - at times digital and at times photographic, to globally recognized brands looking for that something extra...

This site is a real treat and an impressive tour-de-force.


Tuesday, July 08, 2008

Will It Blend? | Presented By Blendtec

So how do you create an engaging online advertising campaign for a blender?

Here's a pretty good example:
Will It Blend? | Presented By Blendtec

Remember kids, don't try this at home!

Friday, July 04, 2008

Comics for Shabbat

Comics for Shabbat:
Heart Shaped Skull

Two really cool search resources

Just before the weekend starts here are two really cool search resources that are as different from each other as 2001 is from 2008:

2001 - Biblical Art on the WWW

2008 - Viewzi — MP3 Search View — led zeppelin


Thursday, July 03, 2008

Keshet Levi's missing presentation pictures

Keshet Levi's missing presentation pictures.

Anat Friedlander's missing presentation pictures

Anat's missing presentation.

Izik Eskayo's missing presentation pictures

Thanks Izik for sending these in.

All the best,

Digital Gallery Index - Computer Generated, Photomanipulation, and 3D galleries online - www.digitalartprintgallery.com

Hello again,

I know everyone is excited about the end of the semester and your grades. I hope to have all your grades ready within two weeks from our last meeting on Monday.

Meanwhile why not visit the new Digital Art index I am creating. I think that you will find the entry on the beautiful 3D web-comic work of Sam Brubaker - a 19-year-old student from Asheville, North Carolina very interesting. Especially since everything is done exclusively with free software. The characters are modeled and rendered in Blender, with layout and speech bubbles in Inkscape and image editing in GIMP- all running on Ubuntu Linux.

Check out the index here and feel free to send in or respond with suggestions of more artists and sites to add to this resource:

Friday, June 27, 2008

yoav horesh : photography

Yoav Horesh is an Israeli born photographer who, amongst many other things, has been the recipient of the Mortimer Frank Travel Award, the Agnes Martin and M. Roche scholarships and other awards from the Rhode Island Photographic Society, Santa Barbara Photography Award and Agora Gallery International Competition award. Currently, Yoav is also on the photography faculty at Mass College of Art in Boston and Columbia University in New York.

I think you might find his work interesting...

yoav horesh : photography

Tuesday, June 24, 2008

Exhibitions of art and technology in Israel - July

will be hosting the latest crop of IDHO projects.
IDHO is the “Interaction Design Hands On” course run by the Holon Institute of Technology, also known as the HIT. A great place and not only because they let me teach there… : )

Thursday 17.7.08 from 19:00 to 23:00
Friday 18.7.08 from 9:00 - 15:00

HaPeled 40, Holon, Israel

www.garagegeeks.org | IDHO exhibition @ GarageGeeks 17-18.July.08

The Israeli Cartoon Museum
- a fun and interesting gem of a museum, that just happens to be run by one of my favorite ladies in the whole wide world, the incredible Ms Galit Gaon, is hosting Israeli Animator Yochanan Lekichevitch, for a gallery talk. Confirmation of attendance is required - call in advance +972-3-652-1849.

Thursday, 3.7.08 starting 19:00.

no. 61 Weizman st., Holon, Israel


Sunday, June 15, 2008

Online Backup - IDrive - Remote Data Backup - For Windows and Mac

Last week my home was broken into and 4 laptops with over a decade of my work were stolen. Some of it I have backed up, but not all...

Let this be a lesson to you - BACKUP BACKUP BACKUP.
Preferably online, so that no matter what type of disaster strikes, your files are safe and secure.

Idrive is an online backup service that allows you to backup 2GB of files for free. If you invite friends to the service your account will be increased to 10GB.
Not bad...

Enjoy : )

Online Backup - IDrive - Remote Data Backup - For Windows and Mac

Wednesday, June 11, 2008

Fifty Years of Israeli Architecture

Jerusalem is unique - stone buildings, hilly topography and charged history bring up problems of rehabilitation and conservation of neighborhoods, individual buildings and open valleys, as well as the city's traditional skyline.

If you are studying Interior Design, or even if you are just, god forbid, curious...

Read the full article here:
Fifty Years of Israeli Architecture

Tuesday, June 03, 2008

How A Pretty Face Can Push Visitors Away

One of the issues that came up in the course a number of times related to the use of images of people and specifically of faces in the graphic materials we produce. The article How A Pretty Face Can Push Visitors Away
gives some interesting insights into this matter based on the heat map analysis done for a hair color ad.

Frankfurt School: The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception

I'm spreading Marxist materials!
Oy Gevald!

Frankfurt School: The Culture Industry: Enlightenment as Mass Deception: "Dialectic of Enlightenment"

This is a very interesting article, if a tad dry.
I was impressed by how accurately the article analyzes our current state of affairs, even though it was written over 60 years ago...




Sunday, June 01, 2008

Exercises 4-5-6 are now online

Exercises 4-5-6 have been put online so that you can all identify and describe in brief your work.
All albums are viewable here: http://picasaweb.google.com/mikedarnell

Please make sure you identify each project you have created for the course.

All the best,

the Serge Group - Sergio Waksman Design - Photographer Bud Lee

A cool design studio I bumped into - you may want to poke around here...

the Serge Group - Sergio Waksman Design - Photographer Bud Lee

Sunday, May 25, 2008

"You Suck At Photoshop" on TIME magazine

Don't you just love being ahead of the curve?

While searching for a link to publish for you guys regarding the Photoshop tutorials I told you about: "You Suck At Photoshop".

I was happily surprised to discover that the freaky tutorials I thought were an esoteric corner of the internet had made it into the hallowed screens of TIME magazine online: The Photoshop Guys Revealed! - TIME

Don't forget - you saw it first at the HIT...

: )
All the best,

dork magazine.

Ever so often I bump into a really cool online magazine - this is one of them:
dork magazine.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The exercise "Packaging - Shelf and Shipping" is now online

The exercise "Packaging - Shelf and Shipping" is now online.
Students were asked to prepare a shelf package and a shipping package for give-away promotional items designed by their classmates in a previous exercise.
They were also required create a design for a logo and for a poster for the shipping company supposedly responsible for their efforts.

These are the projects presented:

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Aziza Web Magazine

A brand new Israeli based design and culture magazine - check it out at:
Aziza Web Magazine

Tuesday, April 29, 2008

New Israeli design magazine RSS on the blog

I recently updated the blog and added an RSS feed from the blog-zine "Redesign", dealing in Israeli and global design. The blog-zine is a project run by feelternet.com for Regba and is a prime example of content driven marketing. The writing is done by design columnist Aryeh Berkovitch, who also teaches at HIT - so everything leads back home...

: )

Monday, April 14, 2008


This has to be one of the best online resources out there for a quick refreshing view at everything from urban design to subversive art and strange architecture.

Check it out:

Thursday, April 10, 2008

Having an Art Emergency? - Visit the E.R...

Emergency Room is a daily updated platform for artists burning to express themselves regarding "emergencies". In the art Emergency Room there is no time to lose...

Sunday, March 30, 2008

The Exhibition - The David Star Album

Looking for what to do with yourself on a Thursday evening?
Why not take the date of your choice to see some fresh Israeli art at
תערוכה " אלבום מגן דוד " 17.4.2008

Shavua Tov!

Saturday, March 29, 2008

The HIT's faculty of Industrial Design's midterm exhibition : )

The midterm exhibition is always a fun event - far away from the pressures of the end of the year exams it is both a casual and fun event and also an impressive tour de-force of the talents we have the pleasure of encountering on a daily basis...

See the full album:
"Opening of the midterm exhibition for the faculty of Industrial Design at the HIT (Holon Institute of Technology)"

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Exercise 3 - Logo, Poster , Giveaway

This exercise required students to create a logo concept, poster and give-away promotional item for a company of their choice. The project was done in teams of two and three. The entire project spanned two weeks with an interim presentation in the middle.

To view the project gallery click visit:


images online like you've never seen them before

PicLens is a plugin for FF that transforms your browser into a full-screen, 3D experience for viewing images on the web.

Photos come to life as a cinematic presentation that goes well beyond the confines of the traditional browser window.

Works with:
Picasa Web Albums


Google Images
Yahoo Images
Ask Images
Live Images
AOL Images

Adobe Lightroom

PicLens | Immersive Slideshows Across the Web

2008 International Model Your Campus Competition

This is great for the interior and industrial design students among you:

2008 International Model Your Campus Competition

Cutting edge galleries

Here are two galleries in LA that are pretty cutting edge - well worth a visit...

Thinkspace gallery
Cannibal Flower gallery

thinkspace gallery: Main Page

thinkspace gallery: Main Page

Sunday, March 16, 2008

Giveaway items, Logos and Posters

Exercise 3 has the classes creating give-away items and logos and posters to accompany them. This is not the final presentation yet - only work in progress - tell us what you think...

Picasa Web Albums - Mike Darnell - Exercise 2 - ...

Friday, March 14, 2008

Tease your Brain! Test your copy-writing skills...

Come and play MIND THE GAMES - a copy-writing competition for DiGRA Israel...
A nice little brain exercise that might even win you a prize.
: )

www.digra-israel.org - DiGRA ISRAEL: MIND THE GAMES 2008 GAME

Shabbat Shalom,

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Now this is what I call marketing!

HEMA is a Dutch department store. There are 150 stores all over the Netherlands. It also has stores in Belgium, Luxemburg, and Germany.
Take a look at HEMA's product page. You can't order anything and it's in Dutch but just wait a couple of seconds and watch what happens.

Turn your sound on…

Israel Vintage Icons on Tshirts: Israel T shirts, Jewish clothing, idf shirts, jewish designs, kabbalah Hebrew clothing

Titillating T shirts.

Too tired to try to talk in T's alone...

Israel Vintage Icons on Tshirts

w e l c o m e s h i m o n

Once upon a time in a sleepy town called Jerusalem two men, we'll call them "Shimon & Shimon", had a few things to say...

w e l c o m e s h i m o n

"Shimon & Shimon" are
Tal Adler and Ronny Edry,
Look them up...

Le Territoire des sens

Le "territoire des sens" is a visual blog about small things wich stimulate my creativity and my senses. Here my collection of inspirations : images books, musics, videos, and links. Welcome!

French artist, digital art, architecture, eco-design, graphic design, street art, illustrations, collages, fashion etc...Great blog!!


Monday, March 10, 2008

Agora -a public space for art and ideas

I warmly recommend a visit to the Agora Gallery in Jaffo.

I met Martha Bar, one of the owners, today and was delighted to discover a friendly and resourceful person positively bubbling with wonderful ideas for the promotion of the arts.

I look forward to cooperating with her and Shahar her partner.

Meanwhile the art is good, the space is stunning and the people are nice - go.. go.. go..
: )

Facebook | public space for art and ideas

Sunday, March 09, 2008

39 Web-Based Tools That Don't Require Registration

Ever so often I bump into something good and useful that I think is worthwhile sharing.

If you've never heard of Orli Yakuel yet,
shame on you...

No, she is not a new contestant on survivor...

Orli Yakeul is one of Israel's most important bloggers and probably the most influential in all things technological.

This blog post of hers is a great way to get know more about her activities,
not to mention being an excellent resource for cool, free, registration free,
online services and tools you can use.


Enjoy : )

Saturday, March 08, 2008

Graphic Design for Industrial Design students - Exercise 2

These are the projects handed in response to Exercise 2 in the Graphic Design for Industrial Design students.

The brief?

A quick "warm-up" project that required students to create a logo and poster for the presentation of an item of their choice.

Wednesday, March 05, 2008

Michal Vexler's portfolio

A nice little online portfolio for the work done by Ms Michal Vexler:

Worth a visit...
Michal Vexler's portfolio

Sunday, February 24, 2008

The opening of the Agora Gallery

גלריה אגורא - הפתיחה

יום חמישי 28.2.08 בשעה 20:00

רן סלוין / ראובן קופרמן / דני בק / עמי פייצביץ – בתערוכה קבוצתית- חיה

ציור אקוורל ושמן, רישום צבעוני, צילום
אמנות, יין, אוכל, ומוסיקה
השילוב המנצח!!!!!
יש חנייה


Logos we should be seeing more often... or NOT!

Posted by Picasa

Israel Art Calendar