Sunday, May 25, 2008

"You Suck At Photoshop" on TIME magazine

Don't you just love being ahead of the curve?

While searching for a link to publish for you guys regarding the Photoshop tutorials I told you about: "You Suck At Photoshop".

I was happily surprised to discover that the freaky tutorials I thought were an esoteric corner of the internet had made it into the hallowed screens of TIME magazine online: The Photoshop Guys Revealed! - TIME

Don't forget - you saw it first at the HIT...

: )
All the best,

dork magazine.

Ever so often I bump into a really cool online magazine - this is one of them:
dork magazine.


Wednesday, May 21, 2008

The exercise "Packaging - Shelf and Shipping" is now online

The exercise "Packaging - Shelf and Shipping" is now online.
Students were asked to prepare a shelf package and a shipping package for give-away promotional items designed by their classmates in a previous exercise.
They were also required create a design for a logo and for a poster for the shipping company supposedly responsible for their efforts.

These are the projects presented:

Saturday, May 03, 2008

Aziza Web Magazine

A brand new Israeli based design and culture magazine - check it out at:
Aziza Web Magazine

Israel Art Calendar