Friday, March 30, 2007

New Pictures of your projects on the course gallery!

  1. The pictures from the exercise "My Inner Self" are here.
  2. The pictures from the exercise "Mirror Mirror" are here.

Sunday, March 25, 2007

Exercise 5 – Design in Da'Hood!

We live in it, buy our groceries in it, run our errands in it, greet the people in it, go to its' local dives. It is the first circle we belong to, not due to ties of blood or friendship but simply due to geography. Its' our neighborhood.

Over the Pesach break you will conduct a research of your neighborhood and prepare 2D and 3D presentations that bring together elements that are symbolic and emblematic of your neighborhood, either personally, or generally. Your research will encompass a single chosen example of each of the following taken from your neighborhood:

1. A space / place.
2. An object.
3. A graphic symbol, example of graffiti, sign, etc.
4. A persona / character.
5. A sound, musical piece

On the first lesson after Pesach (12.4.07) you are required to present a complete presentation that presents your understanding and perspective of the above assignment, including:

• 2D component (format 100*70Cm at least)
• 3D component (Format free)
• Accompanying sound or music

After this presentation we will conduct a studio lesson (16.4.07) to allow for improvements and our final presentation will be the lesson afterwards (19.4.07).

Good Luck

Thursday, March 22, 2007

Mazal Tov Gil!

Check out Gil's Blog:

Gilkin on deviantART

What about all the rest of you?


Thursday, March 15, 2007

Exercise 4 - Family-Tree-Ptych

My family?

  1. My Mother, Father, Sister, Grandparents, Uncles and Aunts, and all my further relations.

  2. A bunch of people who embarrass me every time I bring my girlfriend over for dinner and guilty every time I go over to dinner with hers.

  3. The most incredible group of people I know and those who's support and encouragement I never need doubt

  4. All of the above.

Over the next three lessons we examine our near and dear ones, our family, from three different aspects:

  1. We will try and see them as they are.

  2. We will display them at their worst.

  3. We will display them at their best.

Every lesson you are required to present during your studio session a complete presentation including a 2D component (format 50*70Cm) and a 3D component (Format free) that presents your understanding and perspective of your family from one of the angles listed above.

The final presentation will be during the last of the three lessons dedicated to this subject and will be of a triptych composed of all three presentations.

Good Luck

Exercise 3 - Mirror Mirror

During the last lesson we continued our discussion of the Self
You are now required to serve as a mirror to the Inner Self and Persona of one of your colleagues.

You have been given an object that has a close, hidden, private and personal meaning to your partner.

Create a presentation including a 2D component (format 50*70Cm) and a 3D component (Format 40*40*40Cm) that presents your understanding and perspective of the obvious and hidden facets of your partner's personality.

Bring the object to the class and place it alongside your presentation so as to create a mise en scène.

Thursday, March 08, 2007

Exercise 2 - My Hidden Self

During the last lesson we discussed the Persona - the mask we present to the world.
You are now required to display your hidden self.

Select an object that has a close, hidden, private and personal meaning to you and create a presentation including a 2D component (format 50*70Cm) and a 3D component (Format 40*40*40Cm).

The presentation should present the object, it's meaning to you, and the hidden aspects of your personality.

Bring your object to the class and place it alongside your presentation so as to create a mise en scène.

Saturday, March 03, 2007

Exercise 1 - Persona

We all have a Persona.

Our Persona is the mask or appearance we present to the world.
Our persona is not a pose or some other intentional misrepresentation of our self to others, rather it is our self as self-construed, and may change according to situation and context. Psychological researchers tend to agree that our persona usually stabilizes when we are in our mid-twenties

During the lesson you are required to create a presentation of your Persona.
You will publicize, externalize, emphasize and exaggerate to the utmost extreme your public image.

The medium is free however you may choose to use the papers and pencils we will provide in the class

Good Luck

Course Syllabus - Foundations - Circles of Design

Course Hours
Monday 9:00-13:00, Thursday 14:00-18:00
for a total of 8 weekly credit hours

Course Instructors
Mike Darnell, Daniel Rosenthal

Phone: 054-5599595

Phone: 050-3693086

Course Concept
The second semester of our Foundations Design course will revolve around the main theme of "Circles of Design" – the journey outward from the Self, through widening circles of contact and influence –
· Family
· Neighborhood
· Tribe
· Planet.

Course Goals

  1. Students will deepen their learning of the foundations of the visual language of Design.

  2. Students will learn and experience first-hand the following fundamental principals of Design: 2D and 3D Composition, Color, Texture, Pattern, Object, Space, Abstraction.

  3. Students will experience first-hand the Design process as a creative and intellectual effort based on cultural and associative factors related to Place, and Time – Zeitgeist.

  4. Students will learn Designers' work processes and practices and begin to develop and interpret them to suit their personal style.

  5. Students will be introduced to the Israeli art and design scene.

Course Content
Presentations of 2D and 3D objects leading to discussions regarding expression, emotion, feeling, association, cultural icons, and the relationships between all the points above.

Course Instructional Methods
The course is composed studio lessons, presentations, lectures and field trips

Studio lessons - Involve personal instruction given to students regarding the topical exercise currently being discussed in the class. Instruction will be given on a one-on-one basis or small groups while the class is engaged in work on the task at hand.

Presentations - Involve constructive class discussions of the merits and weak points of assignments completed during studio lessons or at home.

Lectures - Two types of lectures will be given during the course:Instructors' lectures will usually be given as an introduction to a new fundamental principle of design. Students lectures will be given at the beginning of most classes and will introduce an Israeli or international artist or designer.

Field Trips - a field trip is planned for the semester.

Course Policies
Blog – You are all required to run a Blog at or on any other platform of your choice in English/Hebrew as well as in your native language (if you wish) discussing your experiences in class and displaying your projects and sketches. This Blog is a vital requirement for the course as it will allow you to communicate with us, yourselves and your friends and family.

Attendance – Attendance is required at all lessons as each one of you is responsible not only for your own development but also for the development of your classmates. If you wish to miss out on a class for whatever reason you are required to notify us by phone/mail at the earliest possible time. Students missing out on a lesson without permission will have a demerit counted against themselves for grading purposes.

Lateness – Students arriving over five minutes late to the lesson will not be allowed to enter the class until the next break. Students accumulating three instances of lateness will have a demerit counted against themselves for grading purposes.

Participation – You are strongly encouraged to participate in class debates and voice your opinions. We will not judge you based on your opinions no matter how extreme they may seem to you. Good designers should have an opinion.

Missed Presentations/Assignments – If you feel that you will not be able to complete an assignment on time you are required to notify us by phone/mail at the earliest possible time. Students missing out on an assignment without notifying us in advance will have a demerit counted against themselves for grading purposes.

Grading – Grades will be given at the end of semester and will be based on your performance and participation during the semester and on the presentation of your projects as you choose to display them at the end of the semester “Panel”.

The Panel is an event held at the end of the semester in which you will be required to display all of the work you have done during the semester in a well designed personal display backed up by a CD containing pictures of all your work and your Blog as well.

Facilities at your disposal
HIT has a number of facilities that you will find extremely useful in completing your course assignments and projects. We strongly suggest that you familiarize yourselves with these facilities ASAP.
● Library
● Workshops
● Computer Labs
● Garden and Lawn (great for sitting thinking and sketching)

Follows a list of equipment you may find useful in the course. DO NOT BUY ANY EQUIPMENT UNTIL YOU ARE SURE YOU NEED IT
● Pencils
● Pens
● Brushes
● Paints
● Metal ruler
● Japanese knife (Box Cutter)
● Cutting surface
● Scissors
● Glues

We wish you a fruitful and fun semester!!!
Mike and Daniel

Israel Art Calendar