I was very happy to finally meet all of you this Tuesday and I think we were all well impressed with the projects that were displayed in class. It's going to be quite an experience teaching you this coming year and I look forward to it.
Kudos to Benjamin - he is the first (and only) one to start a Blog so far and I have attached a link from the course blog to his - check it out.
I also imagine that if it was technical issues that stopped you so far that Benjamin will be more than happy to assist....
So get Blogging!!!
You are in Jerusalem now, and will be for the next few days. I faxed Sarah Lash a list of all the events happening tonight in the Jerusalem art scene - there are 2 exhibition openenings with free performances (and maybe some food and booze as well if you are lucky...)
A good site to check up alternative culture events in Jerusalem is
http://www.jlm.israel.net/home/They also link to a nice radio station.
That's it for now.
PS Please remember to e-mail your course preferences to me ASAP.
On Tuesday 12.9.06 there will be an exhibition opening at the Mediatek in Holon at 20:00.
The exhibition is for illustrations done for a book of Ehud Manor's songs (Ehud Manor - the late Israeli song-writer and cultural icon).
Entrance is free (again might have food and booze as well...) all you need to do is RSVP
at the following number: 03-5021555.
"מילים: אהוד מנור" טקס הפתיחה של תערוכת האיורים והשקת הספר: "מילים: אהוד מנור" תערוכת האיורים של אגודת המאיירים בישראל בשיתוף המרכז הישראלי לעיצוב - מדיטק חולון, מזמינים אתכם לטקס הפתיחה של תערוכת האיורים והשקת הספר: "מילים: אהוד מנור", בהוצאת ידיעות ספרים.הטקס יתקיים ביום שלישי, 12.09.06, 20:00, במדיטק - שד’ גולדה מאיר 6, חולוןהכניסה ללא תשלום, מותנית באישור השתתפות בטלפון: 03-5021555, שלוחה 259, או בפקס: 03-5021544במעמד:גב’ עליזה אולמרט (מותנה במצב)גב’ עפרה מנור פוקסמר מוטי ששון, ראש העיר חולון ...
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